Meet Allita


Better. Faster. Super efficient.

You’re going to love the things she can do, like:

Communicates via SMS, phone, or email

Allita Hello knows that not all of your constituents have an email address. The portal will notify your contacts of new communications by phone, SMS, or email, and the communications can include secure documents that never expire.

Pre-qualifies your applicants

Allita saw that almost 80% of applicants do not qualify, and a majority of those simply did not read the requirements. With Allita, before applicants can apply, she prequalifies them first, saving everyone time and frustration.

Uses one login for all systems

Not only is the data you need available across systems, but you only need one login to access the systems you use. Your admin is in control of which apps you get to use and what role you have within them.

Detects potential fraud automatically

Allita automatically disqualifies duplicate applicants during pre-qualification. But she goes even further and uses investigative insights to detect potential fraud, and then alerts your fraud team. She is the front line of your defense.

Prevents accidental changes

It’s happened to all of us. We didn’t realize that we had clicked in a field and corrupted data while working on a file. Allita prevents this through her improved natural editing. Plus, she warns you if key data used in audits has been changed.

Manages your documents

Allita dramatically reduces admin expense by handling time consuming document processes for you. Including document OCR and form detection.

Eases document acquisition

Allita Hello allows applicants, servicers, banks and others to easily upload documents via file or their mobile phone’s camera (in addition to fax, email, and/or mail) to you without need for complicated FTP or unconnected third party services.

eSigns many of your forms

Allita eliminates many of the document acquisition barriers by letting your contacts eSign documents (servicer approved!) instead of requiring them to print, sign, and deliver them. It’s fast, and ridiculously easy.

Partner access & Landlord portal,

Allita provides access, if you desire, for housing counselors, legal aid, community action agencies and more to login and view applications to which they are providing counsel or assistance. The entire process is through one system, making oversight much easier.

Generates your documents & letters

Not a PDF form, nor an exported excel file to do a mail merge. These are your actual closing documents, withdrawn letters, decline letters and more. Click to open, print, and send them as you please.

Plays nice with your other tools

You’re not trapped. Far from it. Allita Connect will create a centralized location that connects not just her applications to your tools, but your other tools to each other – getting rid of annoying duplicate entry and out of sync data.

Gives you ready access to your data

We’re not sure why this is a question, but everyone has asked it – YES, your data is your data. The data keys are your keys. That soda you put in the fridge? It’s yours, not ours. That last one is obvious, but we thought the first one was as well.

Features aren’t what make Allita awesome.

It’s her depth.

We almost spent more time planning Allita’s builds, than we did building them.

Almost. We painstakingly analyzed every step needed to manage your program’s needs.  Through it, we resolved the fail points, and carefully eliminated the time wasters. And finally, Allita was born. With over half a million dollars invested in its development, Allita is a masterful manager who radically speeds up processing, quietly resolves most errors herself, and dramatically reduces your overhead. This is not hyperbole, it’s a documented fact.

So now, instead of wasting time figuring out what is wrong with a document, trying to get the most basic reports, or processing applicants who would never qualify you can focus on what matters most.

Ready to rescue your constituents and not waste 10% of your budget on IT?

Get in touch

11 + 4 =

What we do

Why choose us

Housing and Development Services 

Housing and Development Services, also known as HDS Companies, is a dynamic, customer-centered, solutions-driven corporation headquartered in South Florida. Founded in 1998, HDS soared as the leading provider of diverse business solutions and professional technical services in the Affordable Housing and Community Development Industry, where it has remained on top of its game for close to 25 years. At HDS, we are constantly reinvesting to provide our customers with new innovative solutions, as well as mentoring and training our team to deliver effective customer service. At HDS, diversity drives us; we foster creativity and bring together people with different perspectives and voices that can produce unique ideas, output, and strategies. HDS is an active member and supporter of numerous industry trade organizations and working groups. Our top talent team members travel across the United States to attend trade shows and conferences, as well as to meet with clients and industry leaders one-on-one to better understand how we can improve our business services and processes. Through these experiences, we acquire first-hand exposure to what’s happening in the industry, attaining professional development by networking with industry experts and influencers. We believe that a well-trained workforce will have the ability to interpret our client’s business needs and identify ideal solutions tailored for each agency.

No License Fees

We are mission driven. Pay only for the cost of maintenance and hosting. Maintenance starts as low as $3,000 per month, and your data is your data. No hidden fees here.


Up-to-the-second reports and statistics including performance reports with full backup data for audits by treasury.

No Email Required

Applicants can register using a cell number (SMS), landline number, or email address. All methods use two factor authentication.

Every Document

Allita generates all documents, forms, closing docs, and letters needed to process, underwrite, and fund each application.

Fraud Protection

Detects fraud and tracks every data point even before applications are submitted.

Full SSAE 18 Hosting

Our team has contracts with the DOD, and this app is just as secure as theirs. Its backups are even stored in a secret underground facility.

Full History

Know who, what, when, and where. Every page view, data change, including requests to view SSN numbers. It’s so thorough, you can even use it as evidence in court.

Mission Driven

Our mission is to provide the best tools at the lowest cost to purchase and operate. We’ve helped save over $2 million in admin costs in one state alone. All while increasing employee engagement.

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